Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why am I not married yet???!!!

And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islâmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation) . 40:60
Say "Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists). 6:162

                               Why am I not married yet???!!!
 A question that is urging on the minds of many Muslim women: Why am I not married yet???!!!
To tell you the truth, it has been urging on me too as well as some of my close friends and family members. Even if we are not stating that in public or sharing it with one another, we still ask our selves. Moreover we have been trying to hide our true feelings and pretend it's ok and that it doesn't really matter to us!
Some of you may wonder: I am moderately beautiful (or even really pretty), I am successful in my career, I have sociable character that is appealing to many, I am even religious and pious to God.
What could be going wrong???????
 Well, probably nothing is going wrong. Actually, this is 100% right!
For those who are seeking the pleasure of God, striving for reaching piety and steadfastness. For those who are successful, sociable and pretty as well. Never lose faith in God's wisdom and choice.
Have you been praying to God really devotedly and truly to grant you the pious husband and the devoted family to share the pleasure of worshipping Him together?
If not, start tight now, and do it really devotedly trusting that He shall answer your prayers, for He said: "and If those who worship Me has asked you about Me; I am really close, I answer prayers of whoever calls upon Me whenever s/he calls". He also said: "Call me and I shall answer you prayers".
If you have done this truly and persistently, never lose hope, for He said: "Oh, those who worship Me and have squandered over themselves, don't despair God's Mercifulness" .
Have you praying that He grants you a devoted husband who aids you worship God as truly as you both can and who shares with you the pleasure of seeking God's guidance?
Well, God is so Merciful and He is the Wisest of All. Whenever you pray so deeply and devotedly while trusting God's Power and Wisdom in answering your prayers; never doubt that your prayers have already been answered!
Then why is the delay? Why am I not married yet???!!!
Well, haven't you trusted God's Wisdom? He is saving the best for you. If you are seeking a marriage, an ordinary marriage, an average husband, a shallow life- and that's it, you could have been probably married long time ago. However, God really prefers to hear your voice when you call upon Him. God is reaching out for you each night so that you reach out for Him with prayers. He is testing your faith, patience and trust in His will. Will you pass the test with A or you will get a (God forbid) - an F?
Are you convinced yet?
Let's read the "History" of our ancestors and reflect upon our lives.
·  Don't you remember Prophet Jacob. Can you imagine what his feelings were when he lost his young son "Joseph" and he even didn't know if that kid is still alive?
Years later, he lost another son allegedly accused of theft- and kept miles away from him. Do you know what had he done?
He turned to God and God is really close , He hears our deepest thoughts and listens to our grievances-. He said to God: "and I entrust God with all my matters, for He is truly Most Knowledgeable and Seeing all people".
Can you imagine how he said those words? Can you imagine his faith and trust in God??? Well, it must have been really great, for God has brought his two sons back to him and made them really victorious in their careers and in the Hereafter.
See, God's choice is always better than our myopic look. He always sees what's best for us.
What about the wife of Imran. She was really an old lady, however, she wanted to have a role in guiding people of that time. All what she was capable of is having a son! A strong man who gathers people to his side and calls them to work for God's pleasure. She was really old, but her faith in God was extraordinary. Her prayers must have been really devoted and full of true faith.
God accepted her prayers and she became pregnant! However, she begot a girl! And Imran's wife was really disappointed (not in God's choice), but fearing that her dream wouldn't come true- however, God is really so Wise and Merciful. That young girl she had was the Virgin Mary- who is a role model for all women on earth up until the Day of Judgement. The prayers of Imran's wife extended for another generation and Virgin Mary got a son Jesus- who united people to believe in God and who is still a role model for all people till the Day of Judgment!
These are only two examples of true stories that people allover the world know about. There are millions of examples either we know of or not- witnessing God's Wisdom and Mercifulness.
So, have a devoted intention, believe in your idea, pray devotedly. God shall answer. If that answer doesn't come right away, feel satisfied, for God's timing is ALWAYS best.

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