He has committed these heinous crimes:
a . Claimed Prophethood
b. Started a new religion
c. Called his followers Muslims
d. Called followers of Muhammad as 'Kafirs'.
Please tell me, if any Jew, Christian, Hindu, Sikh,
etc., has ever committed this crime. Therefore I say
that the Qadianis are 'Kafirs' of the highest
magnitude and of the worst degree ever born.
By Law of Shari'at, they should be awarded capital
sentence because they are Dualist-infidels ('Zindiq'),
calling Islam 'Kufr' and 'Kufr' Islam. If they are
masquerading as Muslims on the face of the globe, it
is because they have not been sentenced. Despite this
concession, they proclaim that they are being
tyrannized in Pakistan. Truly speaking, they are
taking undue advantage of our politeness and the
Pakistan Government is treating them most kindly which
they do not deserve. The Government has not placed any
restriction on the performance of their religious
rites. They have been only told to stop calling the
religion of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as 'Kufr' and to
stop calling their Qadiani religion as Islam; no more
restriction than this.
Otherwise, remember! The Law of Shari'at ordains to
award them capital sentence. But the government of
Pakistan has given them a ccncession. The Qadianis
occupy high posts and offices in Government
administration and public services. In spite of these
concessions, they appeal to the United Nations and to
the Courts of Jews and Christians, clamouring that the
Pakistan Go- vernment has snatched their rights. What
were their rights which have been snatched? What wrong
has been done to them? Only they have been told that
Kalimah Tayyiba is the Kalimah of Islam.
a) be permitted to paste bottles of liquor with labels
of 'Zam-Zam'?
b) be allowed to sell pig's pork and dog's carrion as
'Halal' meat?
c) be allowed to call our Islam as 'Kufr'?
d) be a]lowed to present the religion of cock- eyed
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as Islam?
The pronouncement of just Kalimah Tayyiba from the
mouth of these hypocrites (i.e. the Qadianis) is:
1. A disgrace of our Kalimah
2. A disgrace of Allah's Prophet.
3. A disgrace of Deen-e-Islam.
They cannot be allowed to go ahead with this disgrace
and deceit. Allah has said about these hypocrites:
"Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars".
These dualist-infidels ('Zindiq') like an apostate
('Murtad') must be awarded capital sentence. In the
following paragraphs I record my reasons
Shari'at allows three days' grace period for an
Apostate (Murtad) to get back into the Islamic fold If
he does not, he is to be awarded capital punishment.
I present a case for your study. Consider for example
some apostates who forsake Islam and who happen to be
in so large numbers that, being a sizable group, they
appear to be out of control for an Islamic Government
to execute them. Let me be more precise. Take the
example of an Islamic country where the Muslim
population of a town decides to become, let's say,
Christians, and having done so, manage somehow to save
themselves from the Shari'at punishment. After a
passage of time these Christians die their natural
death leaving their children as Christians. The
precept for them is to force these people back into
the Islamic fold, by imprisoning them or by other
appropriate means but not by capital punishment. In
other words, if the original parent was an apostate,
his son will also be an apostate. However, the
grandson will not be an apostate; he will be a simple
'Kafir' and shall not be liable to punishment for
The breed of Qadianis will never change. They may
multiply up to ninety-nine generations, still the
hundredth one will continue to be Dualist- infldel and
Apostate. The reason is that their crime is a
never-ending one. So long as they call their Kufr as
Islam their infidel dualism shall see no end. This
offence shall be ongoing in their progenecy.
For anybody unaware of the facts, let it be clear to
him that every Qadiani, whether he is so by
conversion, or by birth, or by heritage, is a dualist-
infidel under the Shari'at Law because his crime flows
unending throughout his lineage.
Something more I want to tell you for which I shall
draw an example which, I am afraid, is crude but it
suits here.
A father had ten sons. All his life he treated them as
his sons. After his death a fellow gets up to claim
that he is the sole legitimate son and the ten are
illegitimate. Two questions arise here:
Firstly: Will any sane person accept the claim of this
fellow who is born of a non-descript origin and who
never laid his claim while the father was alive?
Conversely, never did the deceased father say to
anybody that he had a son of that description. Can any
Court of Justice in the whole world adjudicate in
favour of that fellow and declare the ten legitimate
sons as illegitimate ? No. Never!
Secondly: Wh,at will be the reaction of the ten
legitimate sons against the non-descript who calls
them sons of adultery?
Keeping the answers of the two questions in mind, now
listen: We belong to the Ummat of Prophet Muhammad
(SAW).We fully believe in the Deen which he brought
forth. We are his spiritual children. If I say so, it
is no idea of mine but it is in the holy Quran which
speaks in these terms:
The Prophet is more related to Momins than their self
is to them. (Quran: Ahzab 33:6) That is to say, no
member of the Ummat of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has a
stronger relation with his self than what Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) has with each member of his Ummat.
And the holy Quran further declares:
'And his wives are their mothers' (HQ 33.6). It is
therefore evident that all the revered wives of the
Holy Prophets (SAW) are our mothers and we call each
of them 'Ummul Momineen' (Mother of Muslims); for
example, Ummul Momineen Hazrat Aiysha Siddiqa; Ummul
Momineen Hazrat Khadijat ul Kubra; Ummul Momineen
Hazrat Maimoona; Ummul Momineen Hazrat Umme Salma, and
so on (may Allah be pleased with them). When they arse
our mothers, surely Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is our
spiritual father.
But children in a family are seldom identical. Some
are more obedient, some are less helpful, some are
more virtuous, some are less dutiful, some are more
wise and some are less clever, but they are all
members of one family despite their differing
personality and varying individuality. Still they are
known as children of the same parents.
Muslims have ever been the spiritual children of
Allah's Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for thirteen centuries,
till, at the start of the fourteenth century, Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad popped up from Qadian and claimed solely
for himself the spiritual sonship of Allah's Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) and excluded all others. Mirza did not
stop at that, he dubbed the Muslims as "Kafirs." The
whole Ummat of Islam has been abused by him as
"illegitimate" keeping legitimacy only for himself. On
this basis Mirza Ghulam Ahmad calls all the Muslims as
"haramzadey" (bastard). Allah protect us from his
slander and abuse. Excuse me for quoting the words of
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad but I had to.
I ask the civilised courts of the world to dismiss
Ghulam Ahmad's raving claim of spiritual sonship as a
stupid claim of that sinful vagrant of non-descript
lineage who claims legitimacy to the exclusion of ten
real sons and who attempts to severe the connection of
the whole Ummat from their Prophet (SAW) in spite of
the Ummat's complete submission to his 'Deen' from A
to Z. Have we made any alteration in the doctrines of
Islamic faith or is it Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani who has
sinfully done so?
I happened to talk to a Qadiani once. I told him: "We
have been Muslims for thirteen centuries all along.
Suddenly, in the fourteenth century your Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad appeared and made impossible claims. Thus the
discord ensued. Listen and be just. Here is an offer
to you: if our present beliefs are according to
Islamic beliefs of the past th.rteen centuries, accept
us and leave Ghulam Ahmad; and if your present beliefs
are according to the Islamic beliefs of the past
thirteen centuries we shall accept you. Thus the
discord will come to a permanent close. Now, answer me
because pros and cons are equal for both of us."
That Qadiani was a Punjabi of Sialkot city. He replied
in the Punjabi dialect: (Translation) "The truth is
that for us everybody is a liar except Mirza Sahib. "(
! )
Now you must have understood that the Qadianis are a
people who consider as liars the Companions ('Sahabah
of the Prophet (SAW) the 'Tabeyeen' (contemporaries of
Sahabah) 'Aimma Mujtahideen' (authorities on religious
matters and jurists), and 'Mujaddideen' (thelogical
reformers) and the entire Ummat spread over fourteen
hundred years (God forbid) "All liars, except Mirza!
On this premise can the Qadianis claim even an iota of
relationship with Islam and Muslims? No. Never.
Brothers and sisters, I am sure you have now
understood that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the cheat,
is deceiving the entire world by calling himself a
spiritual child of the holy Prophet (SAW)
I turn to Muslims and ask them: Don't you have any
grace left in you to answer these shameless Qauianis?
They come to you at social level, attend your meetings
in public and private and repeat their nonsense. On
your part, you are a quiet listener to the descendants
of a non-descript masquerader.
Alas, our simple Muslim brethren! Now what are the
obligations - yours, mine and that of every Muslim?
What does our honour demand? It demands at least to
have faith in the truth of Islamic Shari'at's decree
on this issue, viz., capital punishment for an
apostate and dualist-infidel. But it is up to the
Government to respond to the Shari'at's call. However,
this much is within our reach that we cut off all
social connections with them and don't let them enter
our gatherings and face them boldly everywhere.
Corner the liar in his mother's lair. He has already
been led away into his mother's haunt; praise be to
Allah. The country of Britain is their mother. She
gave birth to them. It is for this reason that Mirza
Tahir Ahmad, the Qadiani Arch-priest, has run away
from Pakistan to sit snug in the lap of his mother and
chew the cud in British manger.
From there he is barking at the Muslims of the world.
Many simple-natured Muslims of Africa, America and
Europe do not know what is Qadianism. They are on the
'hit-list' of these Qadianis. They have decided to
mislead these Muslims as well as non-Muslims and are
doing so. For this purpose, tons of money have been
budgeted to beguile the Muslims and others and trap
them into the snare of Qadiani apostasy and
infidelity. But by Allah's grace and support of Aalami
Majlise Tahafuzze Khatme Nubuwwat we have taken up the
gauntlet under the banner of Hazrat Khatamun Nabieen
Muhammad (SAW). The Qadiani camouflage and coat will
soon be peeled off from every nook and corner of the
world, just as it has been accomplished in Pakistan.
That day is not far away when the world will get to
know of the truth: that the Qadianis are not Muslims,
that they are traitors of Islam, traitors of Muhammad
(SAW) and traitors of huma nity. Anti-Qadiani movement
is now surging the whole world, sweeping the Qadianis
out. Final victory shall be that of our Prophet Mu-
hammad (SAW) and his bondsmen.
For some time in Pakistan too, people considered the
Qadianis as Muslims till the sacrifices, which were
offered by the humble adherents of Muhammad (SAW)
ended in success, amputating the growth of Qadiani
cancer from the Ummat's body. Allah willing, this
shall happen in other countries of the world also
because 'Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat' has
launched its operations on an international scale.
The Character of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani
(the founder of the Ahmadiyya Cult)
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was born in 1839-40 in the county
of Qadian, Gordaspur district in Punjab, India, to a
Mughal family. His father's name was Ghulam Murtada
and his mother's name was Charagh Bibi. Mirza's family
was in the service of the British government and
represented the British interest to the extent of
supporting the British forces during the Islamic War
of Independence.
Mirza received his early education from his father and
other teachers of the village and was given a humble
job in the office of the Deputy Commissioner. During
his employment, he participated in and failed
promotional exams for better assignments. Discouraged
with his failures, he returned home to take care of
the family business. Up to this period in his life,
Mirza Qadiani was an ordinary Muslim; he had the
Aqeedah (the belief) of Muslims and believed in the
finality of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
At about the same time, British government, wary of
anti-British Islamic movements in India, ordered the
creation of an Apostolic Prophet to subdue the spirit
of Jihad (striving against oppressors) in Muslims
(British Parliament Report 1870). In 1871, Mirza
Ghulam was elected to the post of Apostolic Prophet.
Between 1882 and 1890, like a confused story-teller
trying to get his fable straight, Mirza made numerous
unfounded and conflicting claims; among these are his
assertions to be a Mujaddid (a revivalist), Musleh (a
reformer), Mehdi (a divinely guided one), and Masih
Mawoud (the Promised Messiah). In the year 1890, he
declared that Jihad and resistance to British rule had
become unlawful; in 1901, he claimed prophethood for
himself; and, in 1904, he claimed to be Krishna (Hindu
In short, Mirza Qadiani spent much of his adult life
fabricating lies against Allah (SWT), insulting the
Prophets of Allah, declaring false prophecies,
committing acts of treason against Muslims, lying,
cheating, and deceiving simple minded Muslims, and
serving the British by discouraging and eliminating
the concept of Jihad from Islam. The height of his
shameless attempt at deception is best stated in his
own message to Governor of Punjab, in 1898, reminding
him that he is the "self implanted and self cultivated
seedling of British Raj," who has been a loyal servant
to the British rule.
Mirza uttered such non-sense Kufr in his books as "I
am God, in my vision, I am a woman, Allah showed his
manly power with me and metaphorically I became
pregnant"! Contrary to his own "Prophecies" and
"revelations" , Mirza died on May 26, 1908, in his own
hated disease of cholera. Obviously, he was not Mehdi,
Messiah, or a Prophet. He was rather an immoral and
treacherous opportunist guided by his hunger for
wealth and power. His claim to be the promised
Messiah is not much different from the present day
claims of David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson.
The followers of these cults are now well known in
the West; by God's leave, we shall reveal the truth
about the Qadiani leadership to the world.
Could He be a Prophet
(In light of his own Writings)
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani did not have any scruples at
using profanities to try to ridicule, intimidate, or
threaten people who did not accept his false claim to
prophethood. Here are a few examples of his writings:
"My enemies are dirty swine and their women are more
wretched than bitches."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 14, P. 53; Najmul Huda,
P. 10, 53)
"All Muslims regard my books with reverence and care
and benefit from their sublime thoughts except those
who are the offspring of prostitutes (bastards); God
has put a seal upon their hearts and they do not
accept me."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 5, Page 547-548;
Mirat-o-Kamalat- i-Islam, P. 547;
Aeena-e-Kamalat Islam, P.547-548)
[Mirza Ghulam translated this Arabic word as
"Bastard" in
Roohany Khazaen Vol. 11, P. 282)
"The one who has no belief in our ultimate victory is
fond of becoming bastard and he is bound to be product
of fornication. "
(Roohany Kazaen, Vol. 9, P. 31; Anwar ul Islam,
P. 30)
"Are they prepared to swear? No, they'll never do so
because they are liars and are derooting the corpse of
falsehood like dogs."
(Supplement to Anjam-e-Atham, P. 25; Roohany
Khazaen, Vol. 11, P. 309)
His eulogy about Maulvi Saadullah Ludhianwi was:
"I look a sinful man among debauched who is more
scoundrel and an execrated being like Satan...
He who is called Saadullah by the ignorant is
slanderer, wicked and a falsifier...
You injured me, bastard. I won't be truthful if you
won't have a disgraceful death." (Haqiqat-ul
Wahi, P. 14-15; Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 734-735)
"If Abdullah Athum is saved from death (as per Mirza's
prophecy) and if all the world say the Christian was
correct, then the bastard will not follow the right
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 9, P. 32)
"Abdul Haq is not content with our victories. He is
itching to become a bastard."
(Anwar-ul-Islam, P. 30)
"There is nothing more foul than a pig in the world.
But the ulema who oppose me are more foul than pigs."
(Anjam-i-Atham, P. 21)
"You have inflicted pain on me with your foulness.
You are not truthful. I pray that you die in shame,
you son of a harlot."
(Anjam-i-Atham, P. 288)
"This bastard of a doctor does not thread the straight
(Anwar-ul-Islam, P. 30)
He called Shaikhul Islam Saanaullah of Amristar:
"O, the son of wind, o traitor..."
(Ijaz-i-Ahmadi, P. 43/77)
The puzzling thing is that he himself wrote:
"I have never abused anyone."
(Moahiburahman, P. 18)
"He is worst who is abusive, his heart is as filthy as
(Sar-e-Sumain, P. 74)
"Abuses and rebukes are not the acts of a believer
and a believer can not be a curser."
(Azalat-ul-Auham, P. 66)
Is this how a Prophet or even a rightly guided
individual would speak?
He has committed these heinous crimes:
a . Claimed Prophethood
b. Started a new religion
c. Called his followers Muslims
d. Called followers of Muhammad as 'Kafirs'.
All prophets have committed these heinous crimes. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that "Do not become 'kafir' after me that start killing each other."
Now all those 'Muslims' who kill another Muslim become 'kafir' according to the Holy Prophet (saw). So, he has himself declared his followers as 'kafir'.
If you have any grace and honor in your heart, go to nearest lake and drown yourself in it.
Ansar Raza, it is indeed odd that you ignored all the filthy language that Mirza used and in the end, resorted to an invitation to suicide yourself.
By attempting to bring the greatest of Allah's creation down to the same level as your street-mullah who incidentally, was married to a woman who by his own definition, was a harlot, and who drank tonic wine and took opium, and who did many other abominable things, you too are itching to become like your master Mirza.
What shame you bring upon yourself.
Ansar Raza:
If you agree with b) - then of course that means you are not Muslim, but a Qadiani - a new religion.
As for d) how could earlier prophets say such a thing if they were also subject to c)?
Did Satan teach you logic? Or are you just a zurriyatul baghaaya?
I confirm. It was and with me. We can communicate on this theme.
So you have nothing to defend!!!
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